HRC43: Statement on Iraq
Statement to the UN Human Rights Council 43rd Session (24 February – 20 March 2020) Item 6: Universal Periodic Review WILPF regrets that Iraq only noted recommendations 147.18 and 147.20 […]
USA’s Arms Transfers to Countries Where Child Soldiers Are Used
Submission to the Committee on the Rights of the Child on its review of the USA’s combined Third and Fourth Periodic Report submitted under article 8 (1) of the Optional […]
Perpetual War in Iraq? The WILPF’s Position
We at WILPF are deeply disturbed by the horrific crime that took place last Saturday in a crowded market at the center of Baghdad. A lorry packed with explosives was […]
Open Letter to the International Community: Call for Solidarity
Open letter from Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina During the last few months we have been seeing images that might as well have been taken at the beginning of 90’s – […]
Open Letter on Women’s Rights in Iraq
In September 2014, the United Nations Human Rights Council held a special session on the human rights situation in Iraq and adopted a resolution to dispatch a mission to Iraq to […]
Joint Statement on the Human Rights Situation in Iraq
Joint statement by the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom and MADRE for the Human Rights Council’s special session on the human rights situation in Iraq Distinguished members of […]
HRC12: Statement on the Situation in Camp Ashraf
General Assembly Human Rights Council 12th session Item 2: Annual report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and reports of the Office of the High Commissioner […]
On the Situation in Iraq Resolution 2004
This Congress condemns the US‐led invasion and US and coalition intervention in Iraq and the continuing occupation. We call on the governments of the US and of the coalition partners to immediately withdraw all troops and coalition private‐sector military and military‐related 9 contractors from Iraq. To minimize civil armed conflict, all these entities should take their weapons with them out of Iraq. No state has the right to interfere with the leadership and peoples of another sovereign state. We call upon the UN and the international community to prosecute those responsible for crimes against humanity and for starting this illegal war. The international community should hold them responsible for the payment of reparations and for reconstruction. We invite the solidarity of all peoples of the world to bring this occupation to an end and help the Iraqi people rebuild their country.
Statement Requesting A Special Sitting Of CHR On Iraq
Madam President, The undersigned non-governmental organizations, which participated in one or both of two round tables on the war against Iraq and the human rights and humanitarian implications it has […]
The Gulf War and International Law
The 25th Triennial Congress of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, 1-6 July 1992 in Santa Cruz, Bolivia: Before, during and after the Gulf War, there were and […]