Resolution on the Constitution of Nepal
The 31st Triennial Congress of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, meeting 22-24 April 2015 in The Hague, the Netherlands: Notes that Nepal has been in a state […]
WILPF Resolution On A Federal Democratic Constitution For Nepal
The Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF), meeting at the Quadrennial Congress in Costa Rica, in San José, Costa Rica in August 2011, Recognising that Nepal is passing […]
Congress Resolution on Nepal
The 29th Triennial Congress of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, meeting July 21-27, 2007 in Santa Cruz, Bolivia: Recognises that the peace process in Nepal is passing […]
The Situation in Nepal
Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom IEC held in lieu of the 27th Triennial Congress, July 27-August 3, 2001 in Geneva, Switzerland: WILPF International Executive Committee Meeting 2001 strongly urges an immediate dialogue […]