Resolution on Russia and Ukraine
The 31st Triennial Congress of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, meeting 22-24 April 2015 in The Hague, the Netherlands: Expresses concern about ongoing tension between Russia, Ukraine, […]
Statement on the Health Effects of Radiation
Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom IEC held in lieu of the 27th Triennial Congress, July 27-August 3, 2001 in Geneva, Switzerland: WILPF International Executive Committee Meeting 2001 1. Welcomes the Chernobyl resolution […]
The Military Build-Up in the Northern Areas
The 24th Triennial Congress of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, 14-25 July, 1989 in Sydney, Australia: As we see positive and constructive steps towards disarmament in Central Europe, […]
International Satellite Monitoring Agency
The 22nd Congress of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, 31 July – 6 August, 1983 in Göteborg, Sweden: Considering the difficulties of verification in compliance with disarmament […]
NATO’s & Cruise and Pershing Nuclear Weapons
The 22nd Congress of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, 31 July – 6 August, 1983 in Göteborg, Sweden: The deadline for the first deployment of NATO’s new […]
Petition to the Governments of the USA, USSR, Great Britain, France, China and India (Copies sent to all governments of UN Member States)
The 19th Triennial Congress of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, 17-20 July, 1974 in Birmingham, England: For twelve years representatives of leading Nations have discussed the question […]