The 21st Congress of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, 19-23 August, 1980 in Hamden, Connecticut:
To WILPF and all Sections:
Whereas WILPF stands behind nations seeking self-determination in the struggle against domination and because of the recent coup d’etat in Bolivia which thwarted the hopes and aspirations of the people of that country,
Be it therefore resolved by the Women’s International League for peace and Freedom, meeting in its 21st International Congress at Hamden, Connecticut, 19-23 August, 1980, that the following actions be taken:
- The Congress send a message to General Costa Mesa, Bolivia, expressing concern about the military coup and the subsequent violations of human rights demanding the release of the political prisoners and stating our concern about the disappearance of many political and religious leaders of the country;
- The Congress requests that WILPF United Nations representatives bring the above matters to the attention of the United Nations;
- WILPF promotes within sections, information regarding the build-up of the military in Argentina and other countries in Latin America.