Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom IEC held in lieu of the 27th Triennial Congress, July 27-August 3, 2001 in Geneva, Switzerland:
WILPF International Executive Meeting 2001 considers that free trade agreements between governments have negative consequences for populations if they do not respect international agreements on economic, social and cultural rights as provided for in the International Covenants on Economic, Social and Cultural, and Civil and Political rights.
WILPF asserts that governments are responsible for guaranteeing the primacy and vigilance of human rights for all their people, and should not yield to international trade agreements that violate these rights;
Further, WILPF calls on governments to protect their democratic institutions including the right to have free and fair elections, equal opportunities in employment and freedom of expression. Violations of these rights should be referred to the Inter- American Court of Human Rights.
WILPF calls on governments to cooperate with the Special Rapporteurs of the UN Human Rights Commission on the right to food, the right to housing and the right to education.
WILPF reaffirms its resolution of 1995, calling on all governments to ratify the International Convention of the Rights of Migrant Workers and their Families.