The 26th Triennial Congress of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, August 1-6, 1995 in Helsinki, Finland:
The 26th International WILPF Congress reaffirms the resolution adopted by WILPF’s International Executive Committee meeting in Musashiranzan, Japan in August 1994:
“The Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom is deeply concerned that at a time when negotiations of peace in the Middle East are being held, Israel continues to occupy the South of Lebanon. This situation is a dangerous obstacle to the peace process.
We call on Israel to immediately withdraw from the South of Lebanon in accordance with UN Security Council resolution 425, and call on the international community to ensure its implementation.
We demand that the Israeli Government pay indemnities to Lebanon to enable the immediate reconstruction of Lebanese homes that have been destroyed by Israel soldiers and that compensation be given to the people.
We call on Israel to halt the deviation of the Litani waters into Israel.
We call for the cessation of vicious acts, such as kidnapping, the destruction of crops and land, continuous raids, and shelling of Lebanese people. Only then will civilians on both sides be able to live in peace.
We call on the international community to exert every pressure on Israel to withdraw from South Lebanon.”
This 26th International WILPF Congress calls on all its sections and members to take concrete actions in the coming months to press for the implementation of UN Security Council resolution 425, and for the water of the Litani river to be left to the Lebanese people.