The National Summit of Women and Peace welcomes and celebrates the new agreement reached between the national government and the FARC-EP guerrillas, which will be signed on the 24th of November in the city of Bogota, and acknowledges the negotiation table for its willingness to achieve a new agreement that includes the different voices of our country.
In this respect, we recognise the effort with which the contributions of the spokespersons of the ‘No’ were incorporated, requests almost completely present in the new agreement.
We support the decision of the parties to endorse the final agreement, recognising the wish for peace and reconciliation of millions of Colombian men and women. The actual context requires that this authentication is accomplished immediately.
We cannot keep delaying peace, the increasing cases of violence against social leaders and peace advocates are outrageous and worrying. This is why once the agreement is endorsed, it should be implemented promptly. In this country that has been immersed in violence for decades, we cannot keep aggravating an environment of conflict and we need to have guarantees to be able to keep building the peace that we so urgently need.
We women in our diversities reaffirm our commitment to peace in Colombia and to the work we do and will keep doing to achieve our active participation in the implementation of the new agreement.
We emphasise that the participation of women is a condition to the construction of a transforming, stable and lasting peace.

The National Summit of Women and Peace is composed of 9 platforms, networks and organisations of women, with national and territorial presence and the participation of more than 700 organisations.
• Asociación Nacional de Mujeres Campesinas e Indígenas de Colombia (ANMUCIC)
• Colectivo de Pensamiento y Acción “Mujeres Paz y Seguridad”
• Conferencia Nacional de Organizaciones Afrocolombianas (CNOA)
• Iniciativa de Mujeres por la Paz (IMP)
• Mujeres por la Paz
• Ruta Pacífica de las Mujeres
Download the statement on the revised peace agreement in Colombia in English.
Download the statement on the revised peace agreement in Colombia in Spanish.
Download the statement on the revised peace agreement in Colombia in French.