The 16th Triennial Congress of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, 26-31 July, 1965 in The Hague, Holland:
Governments possessing nuclear weapons (presently including the United States of America, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the Republic of France and the People’s Republic of China), hereinafter called the Nuclear Parties, and governments not possessing nuclear weapons, hereinafter called the Non Nuclear Parties.
Proclaiming as their principled aim the attainment of an agreement on general and complete disarmament, under international control, in accordance with the objectives of the United Nations;
Determined to engage in continuous negotiation until that goal is achieved;
Convinced that an increase in the number of States possessing nuclear weapons constitutes a grave risk to the world and threatens to extend and intensify the problem of achieving peace;
Persuaded that collateral measures can materially improve international security, offer a working basis for new and constructive decisions, and give substantial impetus to further progress in disarmament;
Have agreed as follows:-
Article 1
The Nuclear Parties to the Treaty undertake to refrain from transferring nuclear weapons, openly or covertly, on a bilateral or multilateral basis, from relinquishing ownership or control over such weapons, from providing scientific and technological assistance and/or fissile materials necessary for the manufacture of such weapons, to States or groups of States, not now possession them.
Article II
The Non-Nuclear Parties to the Treaty undertake to refrain from manufacturing or otherwise obtaining ownership or control of nuclear weapons and to bar admission of nuclear weapons of any other State or groups of States to their territory.
Article III
The Nuclear Parties to the Treaty agree to extend to the Non-Nuclear Parties to the Treaty, in consideration of their renunciatory action in foregoing nuclear weapons, a guarantee not to use nuclear armaments against Non-Nuclear Parties.
Article IV
The Nuclear Parties to the Treaty agree to freeze their nuclear arsenals and delivery systems at present levels.
Article V
The Nuclear Parties to the Treaty also agree to affirm their intention to reduce and eventually eliminate their stock of nuclear weapons and the means of their delivery.
Article VI
The Parties to the Treaty, both Nuclear and Non-Nuclear, agree to submit to safeguards and inspection by the International Atomic Energy Agency, to ensure that weapons grade material is not transferred or developed.
Article VII
The Non-Nuclear Parties to the Treaty agree to prohibit ships carrying nuclear weapons from entering their ports, and aircraft carrying such weapons from landing on their airfields.