The 21st Congress of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, 19-23 August, 1980 in Hamden, Connecticut:
To all Sections:
Considering the failure of the South Korean Government to replace the representative Yusin constitution and Emergency Decrees with democratic parliamentary statutes and considering the prolonged ruthless martial law, and
Realizing that repression and unrest originated in 1945 with the division of the country and support of dictatorial regimes by western nations, and
Aware that constant tension between North and South caused by provocative incidents and accusations threaten to erupt into war, and
Recognizing that the majority of the people of both North and South Korea earnestly desire reunification of their ancient homeland,
The Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, meeting at its 21st International Congress in Hamdon, Connecticut, 19- 23 August, 1980, urges all sections and members to:
1) appeal to their respective governments to call for the withdrawal of all foreign troops, nuclear and other weapons, and personnel from South Korea;
2) Work for persistent and active governmental and non-governmental support of peaceful reunification of Korea based on the three principles of the North-South joint statement of 4 July, 1972, that independence is to be achieved :
a) without foreign interference;
b) peacefully without resorting to arms;
c) in national unity as one homogeneous nation irrespective of difference of ideology, ideas and social systems.
(See also the resolution of August 1977 of concern about human rights violations in Asia.)
(See also the resolution of August 1977 calling on the UN to draw up guide lines aiming at the protection of people against the use of the mass for the encouragement of human rights violations, etc.)