WILPF deeply regrets and decries the continuing failure of diplomatic efforts to condemn the entrenched and expanding military occupation of Palestine. We urge the international community and organising platforms to carefully gauge popular as well as more formal diplomatic responses to the issues of the location of the US Embassy and the proposed recognition of illegal settlements by the USA.
WILPF stands firmly with the Palestinian people in their struggle for freedom and self-determination through the withdrawal of Israel from occupied Palestine, and the establishment of a Palestinian state on the pre 1967 territory, including the West Bank, Gaza Stripe, and East Jerusalem as the capital. WILPF unreservedly condemns President Trump’s declaration of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, and deems this an irresponsible act and a violation of international law and the U.N and security council resolution, and therefore firmly believes it should be withdrawn.
WILPF recognises the historical responsibility of the United Nations to uphold the right to self-determination of the Palestinians according to the partition plan of UN Resolution 181. Furthermore, WILPF reminds the international community that it is incumbent upon the United Nations to secure a just and long-lasting solution to the plight of the Palestinians, through upholding and implementing the UN Security Council and the UN General Assembly resolutions to achieve durable peace and justice, including resolutions 194, 181, 242, 525, 271, 338, 465, 476 and 681.
WILPF believes that settlements are illegal and must be completely stopped and evacuated. We call on member states, particularly those which voted on UNSCR 2334, to back up their expressed positions in condemnation of settlement building with actions that effectively deter Israel from taking further steps to complete the unlawful annexation of the West Bank, and to view this as a matter of urgency. Any move that will further endanger the legitimate right of the Palestinian people to self-determinations or cause harm to civilians must be avoided at all costs.
- Invoking CEDAW General Recommendation 30 and SCR 1325 (2000) and following Resolutions on women, peace and security, WILPF calls on the international community to:
- Act swiftly and decisively to prevent any act of diplomatic or military aggression by Israel that will result in harm to Palestinian women and girls.
- Renew commitments to track-two diplomacy to re-assert the supremacy of international law and the legitimacy of UN General Assembly and Security Council Resolutions affirming the illegitimacy of Israeli military encroachment on Palestinian land and property.
- Seriously consider sanctions and other diplomatic measures against Israel to hold it accountable for its breaches of international law, including the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination of 1969, which Israel ratified in 1979.