WILPF submitted a report to the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) as a contribution to a report on civilian acquisition, possession and use of firearms on civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights.
The submission reflects WILPF’s long history of cross-cutting work in the areas of disarmament, human rights, and women, peace and security. WILPF has produced significant research on various negative impacts on human rights posed by different types of conventional weapons, including firearms. Based on our experience of over a century of feminist advocacy for disarmament, and because incidents of gender-based violence, and the violation of women’s human rights perpetrated by firearms continues to be under-reported and neglected, this submission particularly sheds light on the gendered impact of the acquisition, possession, and use of firearms on human rights.
Download the full submission to OHCHR to a report on the impact of firearms on human rights