Rt Hon David Cameron MP
House of Commons
Dear Prime Minister
This letter is an echo of the resolution sent from the Kingsway Hall to Downing Street In 1914. We are saying that governments do not build a culture of peace by celebrating war, by pouring money into military cadet training, by recruiting sixteen year olds into the army, and by selling arms to oppressive regimes.
We request the opportunity to meet with three Ministers:
Rt Hon Philip Hammond MP Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs to discuss the Government’s overall policy to promote peaceful solutions to the world’s contemporary conflicts.
The Rt Hon Michael Fallon MP Defence Secretary to discuss the Government’s operational strategy to promote political solutions to conflict.
The Rt Hon Justine Greening Secretary of State for International Development to discuss how Government policy can promote peaceful development
We would also welcome the opportunity to discuss with you the Government’s policy to promote peaceful solutions to the world’s contemporary conflicts
Yours in Peace,
Anne Scott,
Secretary UK WILPF